

Pointer object is the main object for pointers, its a singleton object, so calling $p will always return the same object.

Further more, this package is designed to be so close to JQuery syntax, so no need to come back to the documentation every time you code 😄.

Listen on events#

To attach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements use the following syntax:

$p('Selector').on('event:sub.namespace',[, selector ] [, data ], handler);

Exactly like JQuery.


Event can be either pevents (Pointer events) or JS events


sub namespace selector data can be neglected

Access pevent on event object#

If you are using pevent you will have a pevent object in the event argument.

$p('Selector').on('tap',function(e){; // pointer event object

Remove events handler#

To remove events handler use the following syntax:



Unlike JQuery, you can't remove event handler using the handler as an identifier, instead use namespace.


You can add conditions to events, if these conditions failed then the handler will not be triggered.

$p('Selector').condition((e,pevent) => {
//your condition here
}).on('tap',function(){'tap worked!');

where e is the native event object and pevent is the pointer event.

In the above example if the user tap on the element pointers.js will check your condition, if your condition return true then the console will print 'tap worked!' otherwise nothing will happen.

Specify pointers count#

Sometime you want to trigger a handler only if specific number of pointers are on the the element, for example, you want to move the scene on a touch device if the user moved the screen with 2 fingers, to do so, specify how many pointers needed to trigger your handler.

// do your stuff here


pointersCount method will be ignored on events caused by mouse, as mouse is always assumed to have one pointer count.

Pass more properties to events#

If you want to pass custom properties to events call setOptions

$p('Selector').setOption({"hellow":"Hey you got that property!"}).on('pan:move',function(e){; // Hey you got that property!

Get events associated to an element#

You can get all the events associated to an element using getEvents method


Add Custom event#

To add new custom event to the event list call addEvent    learn more ...
